茶の名前は2つに区分されることができます。「テー」と「チャ」。「テー」という名前は中国から、陸路でヨーロッパまで広げました。一方、「チャ」の名前は中国から、海路で広げました。従って、ヨーロッパには:Tea (イギリス) Thee (オランダ) Tee (ドイツ) Thé (フランス)という読み方になりました。「チャ」と使っている国は特にアジアの国です。ヨーロッパの中に、「チャ」と使っている国も一つあります。それはポルトガルです。なぜなら、マカオから海路で貰ったからです。
来月の神戸虹茶房は6月30日(日) 14:00~17:00 Bar Rosarioにて開催です!
Another international day at our Rainbow Cafe. Today we could welcome an exchange student from France. Her Japanese was so impressive and we could easily talk about many topics and enjoy the conversation.
Over the past reports, we have given some little fun facts about coffee. This time, in order not to make tea jealous, we will give you a little tea fun fact. Here it goes:
Did you know that the name of tea is original from China and can be divided into two groups? One group uses the name ‘Tea’ which had spread from China over land. These are mainly Western countries like the UK (tea) France (thé) The Netherlands (thee) Germany (tee)… Another group, mainly Asian countries, uses the reading ‘Cha’. Unlike the previous group, this word spread over sea. Portugal is the only European country that also uses the word ‘Cha’ because it arrived in Portugal over sea from Macau.
Let’s have some tea together next time!
The next Rainbow Cafe will be on June 30th (Sunday) from 14:00~17:00 at the usual Bar Rosario!
Hope to see you there!